If you become disabled and go out of work, you may have a disability insurance policy from which you expect to collect benefits. Many people in this position discover the disability insurance policy does not pay exactly the way they expected. Instead of simply calculating their benefits as the percentage of what they used to make that their policy states it will pay, the long-term disability insurance policy contains a clause that lists other forms of income that will be deducted from this amount that many policies refer to as “other income offsets.” The most common other income offset by light years
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What is ERISA?
Understanding what ERISA disability insurance claims are, how ERISA claims are governed, and how disability insurance companies think when approving or denying claims can make a difference. Reading this article may give you the motivation to keep going if you receive a denial of your long-term disability benefits. Disability Insurance Benefits Long-term disability benefits are designed to provide benefits in the event one’s ability to work is interrupted. Most people have little idea whether the disability benefits are provided by their employer or an insurance company, or what it will take to collect the benefits in the event they are needed, because most people are
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Doctor Visits and Disability Benefits
How do your doctor visits and long-term disability go together? Discussions with your doctor often include the reason for your visit, how you’re doing overall, and treatment plans. The more issues or ailments you suffer from, the more in-depth these conversations tend to be. It’s surprising then, how often we learn that clients have never discussed their disability or disability insurance with their doctors. Talk to your doctors about your disability insurance You should let your doctors know what you’re going through with the disability insurance company. Aside from the obvious importance of making sure your doctors and medical records
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