Disability Insurance Attorney for Miami, Florida

Have you been denied disability insurance benefits by an insurance company?  You may be asking yourself, “What kind of attorney do I need for disability in Miami, Florida?”  If you have paid in to a disability insurance policy, either as a private policy or an employee benefit with your job, you may find yourself in a position where you become unable to work.  If you go out of work and apply for disability insurance benefits, there is a chance the disability insurance company could deny you when you applying for benefits.  If  the insurance company has told you they will not pay, give us a call to see if we can help you.  Cremeens Law Group PLLC represents clients across the state of Florida.  You don’t have to come to the office!  We can discuss your case over the phone and see if we are able to help you fight the insurance company and get the benefits you deserve.

A Disability Insurance Denial Doesn’t Mean the End

When you receive a denial letter from a disability insurance company, you will often have 180 days to submit an appeal.  Before you rush in to filing the appeal, it may be a good idea to reach out to an ERISA disability insurance attorney to review the denial letter and the facts of your case.  We often receive calls from potential clients who have a denial letter from a disability insurance company who are looking for an experienced attorney to handle the appeal.  It is best if we are able to speak with you at the beginning of your appeal window, in order for us to gather the necessary documentation needed to support your claim and give you the best chance of winning your appeal at the administrative level.

What if I already submitted an appeal?

There may still be time for us to step in and request administrative tolling.  This causes the review to pause while we try to gather the necessary documentation to support your claim.  This isn’t ideal compared to someone who came to us with a denial letter only a few days old, but it shouldn’t deter you from reaching out to see if we can still help you.  When a disability insurance claim has gone through the allotted number of appeals in the administrative process, the insurance company may issue a final denial.  When the insurance company issues a final denial, the administrative record becomes closed and if you file a lawsuit, the case is heard with the facts and documentation that is contained in the claim file.

What if I Have More Questions About Disability Insurance?

Please give us a call or check out our FAQ Page to learn more


If you receive a denial letter and live in the Miami, Florida area, or any surrounding city, give us a call to see if we can help!  813-839-2000